Opening ········· 26/04/24, 6pm
Exhibition ······ 27/04/24 – 14/06/24
Hallermann (HAHA)
Censorship now works not by hiding things from you but by overwhelming you with information, so that wedon‘t know what is important and what is not. - Yuval Harari
In her upcoming solo exhibition titled "INFORMATION“ at Hoto Berlin, artist Hannah Hallermann delves into theinquiry of coping with the inundation of facts, opinions, and lies prevalent in our digitized and hyperconnecte lives. The exhibition prompts us to consider: where should our gaze linger? For how long? Does a focused shiel-ded approach offer clarity or result in oversight? Moreover, what if genuine insights emerge from realms beyond the constant information barrage, from deeper sources? In such a scenario, how can we recalibrate our attentionto penetrate through our existing perceptual frameworks?
Hallermann‘s exhibition showcases a new series of works entitled Scheuklappen. In these pieces, she explore the concept of blinders, originally designed for horses, transforming them into enigmatic sculptural objects craf-ted from various materials. These works contemplate whether the continual adjustment of our field of awarenes has become an indispensable skill for our contemporary era.
How can we remain open to novel perspectives while simultaneously honing in on the essential? How can weachieve this balance without succumbing to radical distraction or confined ignorance?
Another series within the exhibition, Medusa, features EEG nodes encased in a vacuum. Removed from theirmedical context and detached from any physical body, they cease to serve their intended function and merely retain a faint imprint of information as raw data. This series prompts reflection on the process required to trans-late these quantifiable pulses into emotions, experiences, and ultimately, a deeper sense of care.
Through her ecclectic approach, Berlin-based artist Hannah Hallermann (HAHA) intertwines clear, essentialforms with complex social issues. Her art encourages ambiguity and fosters a more liberated, less constrainedform of social interaction - one that is more vulnerable, resilient, and replete with choices.
Hallermann‘s work has been showcased in solo exhibitions such as "In between beyond“ (2023) at kjubh Kunst-verein e.V., Cologne, and "Change in suspense“ (2023) at Möglichkeit einer Insel, Berlin. She is affiliated with the Sammlung Hoffmann and the SKD (Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden). Hallermann has been recognized with grants including the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant (2020), Stiftung Kunstfonds (2020), and the Sonder-stipendium des Landes Berlin (2022). In 2022, she authored Tools and Tales for Transformation (Hatje Cantz) furthering her exploration of artistic expression and societal transformation. (Text by Saskia Trebing)
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In her upcoming solo exhibition titled "INFORMATION“ at Hoto Berlin, artist Hannah Hallermann delves into theinquiry of coping with the inundation of facts, opinions, and lies prevalent in our digitized and hyperconnecte lives. The exhibition prompts us to consider: where should our gaze linger? For how long? Does a focused shiel-ded approach offer clarity or result in oversight? Moreover, what if genuine insights emerge from realms beyond the constant information barrage, from deeper sources? In such a scenario, how can we recalibrate our attentionto penetrate through our existing perceptual frameworks?
Hallermann‘s exhibition showcases a new series of works entitled Scheuklappen. In these pieces, she explore the concept of blinders, originally designed for horses, transforming them into enigmatic sculptural objects craf-ted from various materials. These works contemplate whether the continual adjustment of our field of awarenes has become an indispensable skill for our contemporary era.
How can we remain open to novel perspectives while simultaneously honing in on the essential? How can weachieve this balance without succumbing to radical distraction or confined ignorance?
Another series within the exhibition, Medusa, features EEG nodes encased in a vacuum. Removed from theirmedical context and detached from any physical body, they cease to serve their intended function and merely retain a faint imprint of information as raw data. This series prompts reflection on the process required to trans-late these quantifiable pulses into emotions, experiences, and ultimately, a deeper sense of care.
Through her ecclectic approach, Berlin-based artist Hannah Hallermann (HAHA) intertwines clear, essentialforms with complex social issues. Her art encourages ambiguity and fosters a more liberated, less constrainedform of social interaction - one that is more vulnerable, resilient, and replete with choices.
Hallermann‘s work has been showcased in solo exhibitions such as "In between beyond“ (2023) at kjubh Kunst-verein e.V., Cologne, and "Change in suspense“ (2023) at Möglichkeit einer Insel, Berlin. She is affiliated with the Sammlung Hoffmann and the SKD (Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden). Hallermann has been recognized with grants including the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant (2020), Stiftung Kunstfonds (2020), and the Sonder-stipendium des Landes Berlin (2022). In 2022, she authored Tools and Tales for Transformation (Hatje Cantz) furthering her exploration of artistic expression and societal transformation. (Text by Saskia Trebing)
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