Opening ········· 11/02/22, 6pm

Exhibition ······ 12/02/22 – 02/03/22

Closing ········· 02/03/22, 6pm

Elisa Jule Braun
& Moritz Stumm

A Silicon Valley for Lake Constance! This is the decision made by the three-headed Hell CEO and his AI assistant Techne. The headquarters are to be built in the Swabian-Alemannic town of Messkirch - also known as genius angle of Baden. There Techne meets the local fools Cat, Bat, Hansele and the reborn philosopher-bot Hightekker. Hightekker and Techne philosophise about the nature of technology, the fools hold up a mirror and Amazon starts digging. All this while rapper Future’s chorus rings through the work: “Mask on, fuck it, mask off”. Who shall take off their mask in order to answer to Techne’s search for truth? The fools? The algorithm based Hightekker? Is it her own mask of friendly faces that must be taken off, bursting the bubble revealing the true nature of technology?

is a half-serious, half-humorous, semi-documentary fable-fiction.

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